Discover the Magic
We call our products “treasures” because they are things you stumble upon while out and about and just can’t resist… whether it’s a saying that speaks to you, a perfect little gift for a friend or family member…or something to wear or put in your home that makes everyday life more fun!
We love to inspire people to Give & Live Happy!
Natural Life Gives Back!
We’re on a mission to make the world a better place by inspiring people to Give & Live Happy! Hearing from customers that our products have brought them happiness or helped them through a tough time is what motivates us the most. When we stumble upon an organization or cause that's close to our hearts, we try to get involved in any way possible.
Natural Life brings you artful and whimsical gifts and treasures to celebrate life. Combining light-hearted and warm artwork with fun and sentimental words, these uniquely beautiful embellishments truly add something special to an ordinary day.
You'll find Natural Life recycled bags, Natural Life mugs and drink ware, Natural Life bandeaus, Natural Life Chip Clips and magnet clips, and Natural Life Journals and Notebooks just to name a few of the unique and fun treasures you'll find here.
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Filter by 17 month planner 4x6 picture frame a mother a mothers love adult paint by number adult socks adventure water bottle always remember you are braver angel blessing bell car charm appetizer plates Applique tshirt art artisan mug bag charm Bailey dress Balaclava bandeau bath Bath towel Bath wrap be nice work hard be brave beach beach blanket beach towel beach towel with matching bag beaded bear bear mug Becca Dress Beeswax wraps berry bowl berry colander best best teacher best teacher ever beyoutiful big mug birthday birthday cake birthday cards birthday party Birthday plate birthdays blanket Blanket kimono Blanket scarf blankets bless this car blessing bells Blouse bohemian Bohemian table runner boho bandeau bottle bottle cozy crossbody bouquet vase box Box sign bracelet gift set bracelet kit bracelet making kit Bread crock bright bouquet giving plate bright flowers giving plate Bucket hat bud vase bun Bungalow mat bungalow sign bungalow signs bunny bunny mug bunny rabbit butter butter dish butter storage butterfly butterfly chip clips butterfly magnet clips Button down shirt camera camera coffee mug camera mug camp mug camper camper mug camping camping mug canvas canvas clutch canvas key fob canvas pouch canvas tote Canvas trucker hat car air freshener car charm car coasters Car cup holder organizers Car document organizer Car fragrance car gift Car organizer car pop up trash can car sun shade car tissue car trash can cards carry on carry on bag Carry on suitcase carryall pouch Carryall tote bag carryon bag cat Cat accessories Cat bud vase cat magnet clips Cat oven mitt Cat vase Catalina bouquet vase Catalina bud vase cats Ceramic ceramic dog mug ceramic givingnplate ceramic mug Ceramic planter ceramic plate ceramic plates ceramic van mug Chambray dress charm chicken chicken planter Chicken sponge chicken spoon rest chill pills chip clip chip clips chirp stickers chirp tote bag chirps christmas Christmas blanket Christmas gift Christmas throw clips clothes pins Clothing clutch pouch coaster coffee coffee cup coffee cup spoon rest coffee mug coffee table matches coffee tumbler colander Cold weather Collapsible basket Collapsible cat bed compact Convertible skirt Convertible skirt dress cooler bag Corn hole Cornhole cosmetic Cottage bud vase cozy blanket Cozy blanket robe Cozy scarf Critter critter mug critter planter critter plantwr cross Crossbody crossbody bag crossbody purse crossbody wallet cup cupcake socks cute license plate cute socks cutting board Daily journal decorative hanging succulent decorative mini succulent decorative plate Denim dress Desk caddy desk organizer dessert plate dirty clean magnet dish dish cloth dish towel dishwasher magnet dog dog magnet clips dog mug Dog oven mitt Dog toothpick holder dogs don’t hurry be happy door charm dorm trash can double sided magnet drink reminder Dry brush Drying mat Easter eco wrps egg cooker egg maker eggs Embossed embossed mug embroidered jewelry case Embroidered pillow Emroidered wall art eye mask Eye mask for headaches eyeglass cleaning cloths face mask fanny pack fanny pouch faux plants faux succulent faux succulent car charm fingerless gloves floral floral bud vase Floral Soap dispenser floral vase Flower magnet clips flower vase flowers folder folk camper mug folk mug food steamer Food storage container food wraps form pop up trash can Fragrance friend friend gift friends friends magnet friendship Game Games gift gift bag gift box gift for her gift for him gift for loved one gift for mom gift pouch gift set gift stickers gifts for mom gifts for Valentine’s Day girl gift girls gift Girls tool set giving giving plate giving plate ceramic giving trinket bowl glass Glass measuring cup Glass soap dispenser glass tray glass water bottle gloves go where you feel most alive god bless you god created you gold good vibes only grandma grateful greeting cards grey bear mug Guided journal hair hair accessories Hair brush Hair clip Hair curler Hair towel Hair towel wrap half boho bandeau Halter dress hand towel handle covers hanging succulent happily ever after happy happy bag happy birthday happy box happy camper happy heart happy heart playing cards happy notes happy pills Happy tool kit hat head wrap headband heart heart happy heart trinket box heart trinket dish heart trinket dishes Heatless hair curler here's to strong women home decor Home door mat hot cocoa House shoes how cool is god how cool is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too i can do all things through Christ I live that you're my mom I love places I love that you're my friend I love you I love you a latte I turtlely love you I turtley love you ice cream cozy in this together indoor planter insulated bag insulated lunch bag insulated shopping bag insulated tote bag Jewelry jewelry bag jewelry dish Jogger pant journal Jumpsuit Kaftan key chain key fob key fog key ring keychain Kimono kitchen Kitchen drying mat kitchen sponge kitchen towel Knit dress knit fabric Knit tee dress koala lab lake lake days lake home decor lanyard large water bottle latte latte mug Laundry bag leather let's just go let’s be mermaids license plate license plate frame little notes live happy spoon rest llama llama planter long matches Long sleeve shirt Loung pants lounge dress Lounge overalls Lounge pants love you a latte love you to the moon mug luggage tag lunch lunch bag lunch set lunchtime magnet magnet clips make a difference today makeup bag makeup remover cloths mama Mama bear mama bear mug mama mug mantra keychain mask matches Matthew 19:26 Maxi dress Maxi skirt measure cups measuring cups mega mug Mega mug pouch melamine mermaid trinket dish microfiber microfiber beach towel microwave egg maker microwave steamer Midi dress Mini dress mini spatulas mini succulent mini tassel mini tassel clip mini trinket dish mom mom gift mom magnet mom mug mom spoon rest mom trinket dish Mom wall art moms day Mother's Day mothers mothers day Mother’s Day mug mug and sock set mug set mug with lid mugs Mushroom mushroom mug Mushroom planter napkins Natural Life natural Life beach towel natural life berry bowl natural life blanket natural life bud vase natural life camp mug natural life camp mugs natural life canvas key fob natural life canvas tote bag natural life car air freshener natural life car charm natural life car gifts natural life car tissue Natural life cat bed natural life ceramic mug natural life chip clips Natural life Christmas Chirp blanket Natural life Christmas gift Natural life Christmas throw natural life corner magnet natural life critter mug natural life critter planter natural life dog mug Natural Life doormat Natural life dress natural life Fanny pack natural life fanny pouch natural life giving plate natural life glass water bottle natural Life happy box Natural life hat natural life key chain natural life key fob Natural life kitchen natural life lanyard natural life latte natural life latte mug natural life lunch natural life mantra keychain natural life microfiber beach towel Natural life mini dress Natural life mounted toothbrush holder natural life mug Natural life overalls Natural Life Paint by number Natural Life Palazzo Pants Natural Life pants Natural life pill box natural Life planner Natural life plate natural life pouch natural life recycled bags Natural life shirt Natural life skirt Natural life slippers natural life socks Natural life sponge natural life spoon rest natural life spoon rests natural life storage bins Natural life table runner natural life tapestry blanket natural life terracotta planter natural life throw pillows Natural life tote bag natural life trinket bowl natural Life trinket box natural life trinket dish natural life van mug natural life vase Natural life wall decor natural life water bottle Natural life wristlet wallet neoprene pouch nesting measure cups nesting measuring cups Nesting storage containers new car new driver gift notebook notes for friends ok otter outdoor blanket outdoor play outdoors oven mitt Oven to table plate Overall dress Overalls Oversized sweatshirt Oversized tee shirt Oversized tshirt Packing Packing cubes Packing pouches paint by number Palazzo pants paper Paper towel holder Paper towels patterned water bottle peek a boo mug pen pencil pouch penny the chicken period pouch Pet bowl mat Philippians 4:13 Phone accessories phone pocket Phone stand photographer gift picture frame pill box pillow pinapple pineapple pineapple spoon rest pint ice cream cozy planner planter plate playing card playing cards Pocket sweatshirt Pompoms poncho Poncho scarf ponytail pop up trash bag pop up trash can pop up trash can car Porch sign pot handle cover pot handle covers pot holder pouch pouch for tampons and pads prayer box Puff up sponge Puffy purse rapid dry recycled bags reindeer socks retirement retirement gift retirement gift r reusable food wraps Reusable tote bag Robe round beach towels rug sand doesn’t stick Sanibel dress Scarf Scrunchie Serve and cutting board Serving and cutting board set of 2 storage bins Set of 3 set of 3 cards Shirt Shirt dress shopping shopping bag shopping tote Short dress Short robe Sidney maxi dress signs sister sister magnet sit or hang Skirt skull candy Slippers sloth small bouquet vase small crossbody bag small crossbody purse small note chirps small notes small plate small trinket Dish snail socks soft socks some bunny loves you Sort robe sparkle spatula spatulas special day giving plate special day plate SPONGE spoon rest spoon rests spread kindness stainless steel stainless steel water bottle stationary staying home steering wheel cover steering wheel covers stickers stickers for computer stickers for friends storage bin strong women sugar skulls sugar skulls mug Suitcase Summer hat Sun catcher Sun catcher charmßde Sun dress Sun shade Sweat shirt Sweatshirt table runner tapestry tapestry blanket tassel tassel charm tassel clip tassel key chain clip tassel keychain clip tassel wall tapestry tea tea mug tea towel teen teen gidt teen gift teens thank you thank you cards thankful thankful and grateful the beach is my Happy place the older I get the more I realize I love being at home doing nothing think happy throw pillows Tic tac toe tin box Tiny trinket dish tiny wood block keepsake tiny wooden keepsake tissue Tool kit toothbrush toothbrush cover Toothbrush holder toothpick holder Tote towel towels Toys trash can travel crossbody bag travel cup Travel laundry bags travel mug Travel watercolor set tray trinket trinket bowl trinket box trinket dish trinket holder Trucker Hat Trunk organizer Tshirt tumbler turtle turtle mug tween ultra absorbent unicor unicorn V neck dress V neck shirt Valentine Valentine's Day valentines valentines day gift valentines gift Valentine’s Day van mug veggie steamer vinyl vinyl stickers wall art wall decor wall hanging wall sign wall tapestry water bottle water bottle cozy Water bottle pouch water mug Weighted Eye mask welcome baby Welcome doormat Welcome to my happy place Wet brush we’re in this together Wide leg Wide leg jumpsuit Wide leg pants wildflower dish towel window shade windshield cover windshield shade windshield Sun shade Wine key Winter hat with God all things are possible woman gift wood cross Wood organizer wood sign Wooden caddy wooden clips Wooden wine key work hard and be nice wrap wreath wristlet key chain wristlet key fob wristlet wallet XL blanket you make the world a better place just by being in it you make the world better zip pouch Zip pouch lanyard
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